Merge Join Transformation
The Merge Join transformation provides an output that is generated by joining two sorted datasets using a FULL, LEFT, or INNER join.
You can configure the Merge Join transformation in the following ways:
Specify the join is a FULL, LEFT, or INNER join.
Specify the columns the join uses.
Specify whether the transformation handles null values as equal to other nulls.
1)This transformation has two inputs and one output. It does not support an error output.
2)The Merge Join Transformation requires sorted data for its inputs.
3)The Merge Join transformation requires that the joined columns have matching metadata. For example, you cannot join a column that has a numeric data type with a column that has a character data type. If the data has a string data type, the length of the column in the second input must be less than or equal to the length of the column in the first input with which it is merged.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010