Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Applying a Theme to a Site Created with Windows SharePoint Services

Introduction to Themes

Themes are a powerful feature in Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003. Themes are professional coordinated collections of design elements like buttons, hover buttons, bullets, backgrounds, horizontal rules, page banners, and font and formatting choices. FrontPage 2003 includes many ready-made Themes that can be applied to Web sites created in FrontPage, Web sites created with Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services, and even documents created with Microsoft Word.
Themes are a powerful feature in Microsoft FrontPage and Web sites based on SharePoint Team Services. Themes are professional coordinated collections of design elements like buttons, hover buttons, bullets, backgrounds, horizontal rules, page banners, and font and formatting choices. FrontPage 2002 includes more than 65 pre-built Themes that can be applied to Web sites based on SharePoint Team Services, FrontPage-created sites, and even documents created with Microsoft Word. Additionally, you can take any Theme and customize the elements to give you exactly the look you want. This article discusses how to apply a Theme to a Web site based on SharePoint Team Services.

You can either change Themes on sites created with Windows SharePoint Services with your browser through the Windows SharePoint Services user interface, or you can change them using FrontPage 2003. This article outlines the steps for both methods. Note that to apply custom Themes, you must use FrontPage 2003.
Changing Themes through the browser

Changing Themes on a site created with Windows SharePoint Services is simple.

1. Browse to the home page of your Web site.
2. Click the Site Settings link at the top of the home page.

3. Click Apply theme to site in the Customization section of the Site Settings page.
4. Click the name of the Theme you want to preview.

5. Click Apply. The new Theme is applied:

Changing Themes through FrontPage 2003

Changing Themes through FrontPage 2003 is easy, and offers you more choices than applying a new Theme from a browser. Here is how to apply a new Theme to a site created with Windows SharePoint Services using FrontPage 2003.

1. Open the Web site based on Windows SharePoint Services in FrontPage 2003 (select Open Site from the File menu, then type in the URL for your site; you will need to be able to supply the user name and password for the site).

2. Select Theme from the Format menu. The Themes task pane lists all of the Themes that are available and offers a preview of each.

3. Select the Theme you want to apply by clicking on its name in the Themes list. In the example used in this article, the Spring Theme was used.

4. You can choose from the three options at the bottom of the Themes task pane:

Vivid colors - To use a bright color set, select the Vivid colors check box. To use the normal color set, clear this check box. This check box is not set by default.

Active graphics - To use a more elaborate and lively set of banners, buttons, bullets, and other graphical elements, the Active Graphics check box is selected by default; to use the normal graphic set, clear the check box. Most Themes include hover buttons; if you plan to use them, make sure that this item is checked.

Background picture - The Background picture check box is selected by default. If you don't want to use it for your Theme, clear the check box.

Tip: The Create new theme... link allows you to customize the Theme. See the article entitled Customizing Themes for Windows SharePoint Services for more information.

5. You can choose to Apply as default theme or Apply to selected page(s). When you select Apply as default theme, new pages that are created automatically use this theme. After you make your selection, the new theme is applied to the page or site.

Tip: It may take a few seconds before the changes are reflected, but behind the scenes a lot is happening. Buttons, bullets, backgrounds, fonts, formatting, and more are being changed throughout the page or the site.

The site look and formatting is now greatly changed in just a few clicks:

Default Site Created with Windows SharePoint Services

Default Site Created with Windows SharePoint Services with Spring Theme Applied
See it in action

The finance, human resources, and sales & marketing sample sites were created with custom Themes. The rules for fonts, backgrounds, buttons, and other elements are specified in the custom Themes.

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