Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Step By Step Popfly Tutorial for Pulling and Rendering SharePoint Data

The steps for setting up a Popfly mashup that takes advantage of these and combines them with mapping info. follows:
  1. Select the option to create a new mashup in Popfly
  2. Add the RSS block to the Popfly mashup canvas
  3. Get the RSS feed address (in our case we can get either the one from GSD Locations or Baseball Stadiums by selecting the Actions dropdown over the desired list and then selecting View RSS Feed).
  4. On the RSS block click in the little wrench to open the options.
  5. In the Value box delete the existing feed and paste in the one you just obtained from your SharePoint list. Then click the large wrench to return to the default view.
  6. Now add the GeoNames block to the Popfly canvas.
  7. Click once on the RSS block then once on the GeoNames block to connect the two with the flow going from RSS to GeoNames.
  8. Click on the little wrench in the GeoNames block to open its options.
  9. Under Address Source select RSS from the dropdown. The default displayed under value will e Title… leave it! Select the big wrench to return to default view.
  10. Add the Virtual Earth block top the Popfly mashup canvas.
  11. Click once on RSS then once on Virtual Earth to set up connection with flow going from RSS to Virtual Earth. Repeat this process but this time click on GeoNames then on Virtual Earth.
  12. Click little wrench in Virtual Earth to set up options.
  13. For Latitude Source and longitude source select GeoNames from the drop down. Leave the values that appear in the Value box as is.
  14. Do not do anything with the URL box!
  15. Title Source and Description Source should have prefilled by default to RSS. Leave as is. Click on big wrench to return to default view.
  16. At the top left of the canvas click on the Preview to see what you have.

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